Monday, 4 January 2010

Contents Page

I kept my contents simple. I believe that the front cover should provide the bate and the contents page should be simple and just show information.

I did the title in lower case letters as I thought this looked quite simple with a touch of attitude. I also made it cut of at the sides and top on purpose, this was to create a homemade sort of feel, with a reckless atmosphere. Finally, i kept the font simple as I thought the cut off effect did enough for the title.

I used this style because it looks quite modern and new but also very clear. It gives the magazine a certain sophistication and I also chose this layout as it is the right amount of flair and the right amount off clearness. I think the basic colours are effective because the front cover is so colourful the contents page does not need it.

I used pictures from gigs I have personally been to. I thought this was effective because it shows personal experience and I can relate with what my magazine is selling. I also used one bigger picture of the feature of the magazine, the interview with Starter. I really wanted to bring all the attention to the band and the interview as my magazine is supposed to present new music to a wider audience.

1 comment:

  1. Again, effective analysis: for both parts of the evaluation you make effective use of images etc to back up your written point of view.
